Understanding the SIAC Model Arbitration Clause
The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) has gained recognition as a leading institution in the arbitration sector. As per a 2021 survey by Queen Mary University of London, it is the most favoured seat in Asia and the second most favoured worldwide. The caseload of SIAC has consistently risen, with 469 new cases handled in 2021, marking the third-highest in its history.
Contracts often incorporate the SIAC Arbitration Rules as a means to resolve disputes. The inclusion of an arbitration clause in the contract is instrumental in streamlining the dispute resolution process and minimising time and costs. The SIAC offers a standardised arbitration clause for international contracts, tailored to the specific needs of the parties involved.
In 2023, the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC) introduced the SICC Model Jurisdiction Clause, which allows parties to designate the SICC as the court with supervisory jurisdiction over their international arbitrations. In response, the SIAC has revised its Model Arbitration Clause to encourage the inclusion of the SICC Model Jurisdiction Clause in arbitration agreements.
The revised Model Clause provides parties with the explicit option to choose a seat of arbitration outside of Singapore. This update offers parties increased certainty and flexibility, allowing them to select a seat that best suits their requirements, even if it has no direct connection to Singapore, while still benefiting from the services and rules of SIAC.
SIAC Model Clause:
For international contracts, parties are recommended to include the following arbitration clause:
“Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity, or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC Rules”) for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause.
The seat of the arbitration shall be [Singapore].
The Tribunal shall consist of _________________ arbitrator(s).
The language of the arbitration shall be ________________.
(In respect of any court proceedings in Singapore commenced under the International Arbitration Act 1994 in relation to the arbitration, the parties agree (a) to commence such proceedings before the Singapore International Commercial Court (the “SICC”); and (b) in any event, that such proceedings shall be heard and adjudicated by the SICC.)
Parties should also include an applicable law clause. The following is recommended:
This contract is governed by the laws of _________________.
Key Considerations of the Model Clause:
The seat of arbitration can be chosen by the parties and does not necessarily have to be in Singapore.
The number of arbitrators can be one or three, depending on the complexity and value of the dispute. The language of arbitration should be the same as the language used in the contract.
The law that governs the contract can be chosen by the parties.
Types of Arbitration Clauses:
Unilateral Clauses
A unilateral arbitration clause allows one or more parties in a contract to choose arbitration when a dispute arises. If a properly drafted clause clearly shows the parties’ intention to allow unilateral arbitration, it is enforceable in Singapore.
Multi-Tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses
A multi-tiered dispute resolution clause establishes a series of steps that parties must follow to resolve a dispute before resorting to arbitration. These steps can include mediation, negotiation, or conciliation. For instance, parties may agree to engage in working level negotiations, executive meetings, or mediation, only initiating arbitration if all prior dispute resolution tiers prove unsuccessful.
In the case of International Research Corp PLC v Lufthansa Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd [2014] 1 SLR 130, the Court of Appeal ruled that if negotiating or mediating steps are prerequisites to arbitration, and these steps are not undertaken by the parties, a tribunal lacks jurisdiction to determine the dispute.
Consequently, the parties must fulfil these preliminary steps in their attempt to resolve the dispute before commencing arbitration.

Understanding Model and Custom Arbitration Clauses
Incorporating model clause language in contracts, while not mandatory, helps to mitigate uncertainties and procedural delays that can stem from flawed arbitration agreements. The model clause language either directly references the crucial elements of an arbitration clause or provides a method for determining those elements.
Contract drafters do not always utilise the model clause language, and when they do, they often make various amendments. In some instances, drafters of significant international contracts may prefer to use customised arbitration clauses, which can be quite extensive.
In scenarios such as international joint ventures involving multiple contracts among diverse parties or large construction projects with numerous contractors and subcontractors, legal counsel may choose to draft a multi-party arbitration clause.
This permits proceedings to be initiated against all or some of the parties involved in the project, regardless of the specific parties in the ongoing contractual dispute.
The more complex the clause, the higher the likelihood of potential interpretation issues. Adopting a model clause generally provides a more reliable alternative.
Understanding Defective Arbitration Clauses
The determination of whether a clause constitutes an arbitration agreement or if a defective clause can be enforceable has led to significant litigation. Defects often arise from references to non-existent arbitral institutions, non-existent rules, or organisations unrelated to arbitration. These defective or “pathological” arbitration clauses are frequently encountered in practice.
In Singapore, the judiciary tends to uphold parties’ intentions to resolve their disputes through arbitration.
The case of Insigma Technology Co Ltd v Alstom Technology Ltd [2009] 3 SLR (R) 936 (“Insigma”) clarified this stance. The Singapore Court of Appeal held that if the parties clearly express their intention to settle a dispute through arbitration, that intention should be given effect, even if certain aspects of the agreement are unclear, inconsistent, incomplete, or lacking in certain details. As long as the arbitration can proceed without prejudicing the rights of either party and aligns with the parties’ expectations, the courts will uphold such intentions.
In Re Shanghai Xinan Screenwall Building & Decoration Co, Ltd [2022] 5 SLR 393, the Singapore High Court held that a defective arbitration clause, referring to a non-existent institution, was valid and the resulting award from the tribunal was binding.
Despite the parties’ agreement to submit disputes to the non-existent “China International Arbitration Center,” the claimant proceeded with arbitration under the CIETAC Arbitration Rules 2015 and obtained an award when the respondent did not participate. The respondent later sought to set aside the order enforcing the CIETAC award.
The High Court dismissed the application, finding that rational commercial parties would not deliberately choose a non-existent institution. The court examined the arbitration agreements and determined that the parties intended CIETAC to be the administering institution based on the use of “China,” “International,” and “Arbitration” in CIETAC’s name.
The court also considered that among the five arbitral institutions in China, only the China Maritime Arbitration Commission qualified “China” with “Maritime.” With the parties’ intent established, the court upheld the binding nature of the tribunal’s award.
In conclusion, the SIAC Model Clause provides parties with a clear framework for incorporating arbitration into their contracts. By adopting this clause, parties can establish a clear mechanism for resolving disputes, benefiting from the efficient and effective arbitration services provided by SIAC.
Through careful consideration of the seat of arbitration, number of arbitrators, language of arbitration, and governing law, parties can create a robust and tailored dispute resolution process.
Legal Support in Drafting or Interpreting Arbitration Clauses
Drafting arbitration clauses can be challenging, particularly for those doing it for the first time. The repercussions of a defective or pathological arbitration clause can be severe as it could result in the inability to resolve the dispute through arbitration, leading to significant loss of time and expense to resolve through the domestic courts in one or more jurisdictions.
If you require legal support in drafting or interpreting arbitration clauses, please feel free to reach out to us.