By Louisa Tang SINGAPORE — Mr Tan Kah Heng had banked on his newly opened bubble tea shop to help pay for his younger son’s university education overseas. But his plan was derailed after two of his employees accused him of molesting them. After the two alleged victims filed police reports against him in late-2017, he…
Notice of Arbitration
Commencing Arbitration Proceedings: Notice of Arbitration A Notice of Arbitration is a document that signifies a party’s intention to refer a dispute to arbitration. It is the first formal step in an arbitration. A simple analogy to a Notice of Arbitration is the Writ of Summons in Singapore’s litigation process, which is a document that…
Service Out of Jurisdiction & Setting Aside Service for Irregularities
What is Service – A General Overview The word “service”, in the legal context, refers to the delivery of the very first set of court documents (also known as ‘originating process’) to the person who is being sued. For example, A wants to sue B for unpaid debts. A has to engage a lawyer to…
Summary Judgment Or Order 14 Proceedings
What is Summary Judgment or Order 14 proceedings? When a person has been sued (i.e. a defendant) and has: but it is clear that the defendant does not have a real defence to the claim, i.e. the claim is clearly uncontestable, then the plaintiff may apply to court to obtain judgment against the defendant in…
Garnishee Proceedings In Singapore – A Lawyer’s Guide
What Are Garnishee Proceedings? In Singapore, when a creditor obtains a favourable judgment against a debtor, and the debtor refuses to comply with the judgement, there are a variety of enforcement methods available to the creditor which are typically executed for the creditor by a litigation law firm in Singapore. Garnishee Proceedings are one such method. Here’s…
Startups: Taking In Your First Investment
The Process After a company is incorporated, the founders would typically look to obtain funding to bring their ideas to life. However, creating that minimal viable product to attract potential investors isn’t cheap. Substantial resources would be required to create an initial prototype, such as labour, computers, material, or even specialised equipment. Even if a…
Amendment Of Company Constituition
What is a company constitution? After the introduction of the Companies (Amendment) Act 2014, a company’s memorandum and articles of association (“M&AA”) merged into a single document known as the “Constitution”. Although the company does not need to take any action to “merge” their existing M&AA, most companies have since taken this opportunity to update and amend…
Incorporation Of A Startup Company
When founders decide to develop their ideas and turn them into a commercial venture, the first step would be to incorporate a new company. The incorporation of a new company (the “startup”) creates a separate entity from the founders. This enables the company to own property, such as intellectual property rights which would arguably be…
Thinking Like A Venture Capitalist
“If your business had no risk, you could go get a bank loan and call it a day. VCs like risks – without them, venture capital wouldn’t exist. But they need to be risks that VCs are good at assessing and managing.” – Jose Ferreira, American businessman and entrepreneur. Understanding how VCs do business and…
Restrictive Covenants In Employment Contracts
“Restrictive covenants” are common clauses found in an employment contract where the employee (also known as the “Covenantor”) agrees with the company (the “Covenantee”) to restrict some of the Covenantor’s rights upon the termination of the employment relationship. Restrictive Covenants could also be part of the agreed terms in a Termination Agreement. All restrictive covenants…