An employee share option scheme, employee stock option scheme, or employee stock option plan (ESOS or ESOP) of a Singapore company is a means of offering key employees or consultants the opportunity to acquire shares in the company. Advantages of an Employee Share Option Scheme (ESOS) or Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) for Singapore companies…
Defamation in Singapore: A Quick Overview
Defamation is a statement that injures a third party’s reputation. The tort of defamation includes both libel (written statements) and slander (spoken statements). The term “libel” is derived from the latin word “libellus” which means “small book or booklet”. How to Successfully Sue a Defamation Lawsuit in Singapore To win a defamation case, a plaintiff must show four things: Proof of Damages…
Letter of Demand Singapore – A Quick Guide & Explanation
What is a Letter of Demand? A letter of demand is a letter from a Singapore law firm setting out certain requests, usually for payment, from the law firm’s client to the recipient of the letter of demand. The letter of demand usually stipulates a time frame for the recipient to comply with the terms of the…
3 Ways To Legally Avoid Co-founder Conflicts
At the start, things seem rosy. A few people come together with a brilliant idea to start a business that will change the world or, at the very least, disrupt an industry. The plan was to introduce something groundbreaking, hopefully, make a fortune, and then ride off into the sunset. But the reality is that…
Mediation in Singapore
Mediation is a dispute resolution process whereby parties and their lawyers involve a neutral third party to act as a mediator to attempt to help parties reach a mutually acceptable solution. The mediator listens to both parties’ points of view, and attempts to build the parties’ trust in understanding the situation. The mediator then tries…
Franchising and Franchise Agreements in Singapore
What is a Franchise? Franchising is simply a method for successful business owners to expand their business and/or to sell and distribute goods and services through a licensing relationship. In franchising, franchisors (a person or company that grants the license to a third party for the conducting of a business under their marks) not only…
Passing On Assets Held In Singapore If You Reside Outside Singapore
With Singapore’s status as an international financial centre and its traditional role as an open port city, there are an increasing number of non-Singaporeans who have worked in Singapore for several years and have accumulated assets whether in the form of money in bank accounts, securities such as shares and bonds or real property such…
Directors’ Duties in Singapore: A Quick Guide
Directors of Singapore companies play important roles and responsibilities in the company. Do you know what they are? Having been engaged by various SMEs and larger companies in Singapore as their SME or company lawyer in Singapore, we are able to provide some insight into the matter. 1. Maximising Shareholder Value The first is to maximise…
Intestate Succession Act Singapore
When a person dies without a will, the authorities in effecting a distribution of the Estate of the deceased, will apply the following rules: Rule 1If an intestate dies leaving a surviving spouse, no issue and no parent, the spouse shall be entitled to the whole of the estate. Rule 2If an intestate dies leaving a…